Quarantine Home
Project: Quarantine Home
Location: Trichy
Plot Area: 7750 Sq.m
Built-up Area: 2495 Sq.m
Plot Coverage: 32%
Concept: Post-Pandemic Architecture – Creating Safe Spaces for Interaction in Housing
Principle for safe interaction:
In order to create safe spaces that promote interaction, it is important to focus on certain principles. One such principle is the use of natural ventilation strategies, which go beyond simply opening windows randomly. By engineering buildings with features like bay windows, not only can panoramic views be achieved but also more natural light and good ventilation.
To ensure safety and comfort within housing developments, open spaces and parking areas should be provided according to established norms. These open spaces should be well connected so as to allow for proper circulation and ventilation throughout the area. Setbacks must also adhere to regulation rules in order maintain a sense of space between buildings. Additionally, an Open Space Reservation (O.S.R) policy could allocate 10% of the plot area (excluding roads) specifically designated for recreational purposes.
By implementing these improvements into post-pandemic architecture design plans, we can create safer living environments that prioritize both social interaction and public health measures.